News and Updates
Since the mid-'90s, we own and operate the Domain unfallreparatur.de and presenting, on the one hand, bodywork - and painting - specialist companies with a high standard of performance, and on the other hand, marketing services for the craft business. We have thoroughly redesigned our websites and put a lot of emphasis on a simple sitemap with good legibility on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.
In the menu About us, you will find the history of our company, which took place in the years of the complete propagation of the Internet in Germany.
Private customers now have access to a company directory, through which they can find the workshop of their choice in their immediate surroundings via postal code search. The selection of workshops and the database were created with great care and are subject to internal checkpoints. Further information can be found in the menu Company Directory.
We offer the craft business interesting services and advise our customers only individually. Whether it's a corporate design or a redesign of your website, for example, we do not offer universal all-inclusive packages but adapt to your business and needs. Here you will find tangible marketing offers in the menu Services.
In the menu Links, you will shortcuts around the topics of car insurance, road traffic law and general information.
If you are missing further information or if corrections should be necessary, please send us an e-mail via the menu Contact.
Author | Guido Woschee | May 2019
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